Dress Code Policy

Francis Polytechnic High School Dress Code Policy


  1. Students MAY NOT wear clothing and personal items with language or images that are discriminatory, contain threats, bullying, offensive to any ethnicity, gender, or other specific group, or that promotes illegal violent activities such as: images of drugs, weapons, alcohol, tobacco or sexual activity.
  2. Students may not have bare feet.
  3. Students may not wear shorts, skirts, or pants, that expose underwear (including items with holes).
  4. Students may not war headgear with profanity, alcohol/drug-related logo, or gang affiliation, do-rags, bandanas. Teachers may require students to remove hats during class time.
  5. Students may not wear jewelry that could be used as a weapon or poses a safety hazard, no gang paraphernalia.
  6. A non-see through shirt with sleeves or straps must be worn at all times. Shirt must reach the waistband.


Revised 5/23/17 by SGC