Cell Phone and Electronic Devices
CELLULAR TELEPHONES It is the policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to prohibit the use of cellular phones or any electronic signaling device by students on campus during normal school hours. Students are permitted to possess cellular phones, pagers, or electronic signaling devices on campus provided that any such device shall remain turned off and stored in a locker, backpack, purse, pocket, or other place where it is not visible during normal school hours. Students are permitted to use cellular phones, pagers, or electronic signaling devices on campus before and after school or during school activities that occur outside of school hours.
The use of cell phones and electronic devices are allowed before and after school as well as during lunch and passing periods. Use of electronics must not promote the use of alcohol, drugs, obscenities, bullying, harassment or violence. Additionally, the use of speakers or using cell phones while in speaker mode is prohibited. Cell phones and other devices are to be turned off during instructional time, which includes going to the restroom and leaving the classroom during class time.
Poly High School is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones and other electronic devices (included those in lockers).
If an electronic device is confiscated, parents or guardians will need to claim the confiscated device before or after school. (between 7:30 and 8:00 am or 3:30 and 4:00 pm). If they cannot claim the device during these times, it is necessary for them to schedule an appointment with their child’s SLC Center.